Leadership Skills for Building Spiritual Community
What is the schedule of retreats?
The dates for DLTI-13 are
Week 1: Monday August 4 to Sunday, Aug 10, 2025
Week 2: Wednesday February 11 to Monday, February 16, 2026
Week 3: Monday July 27 to Sunday August 2, 2026
Week 4: Wednesday February 10 to Monday, February 15, 2027​
Where are the retreats held?
Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center has been our spiritual home and our host for many wonderful years! Visit their site to view their facilities and lodging choices.
What is the price per retreat?
DLTI and Isabella Freedman are committed to making this program sustainable and affordable. The cost per retreat is the total of tuition and lodging, so it varies depending upon the style of lodging you choose. Lodging options for each retreat can be as low as $425 and go up to $2,150. These prices are current as of July 2024 and may increase by the time of this program. All rooms are clean, neat, comfortable, and the food is delicious "farm-to-table" kosher. Tuition per retreat week is $800, with some scholarship aid available for both. Travel costs are not included.
What level of experience do I need?
There are no prerequisites for participating. DLTI is designed to be useful and engagaging for beginning davveners and experienced leaders.
How observant do I need to be?
We welcome participants of all levels of observance.